Monday, 7 November 2011


A bit fragile today after fainting quite spectacularly yesterday. Spent much of the morning being interviewed by phone by a colleague who is researching PhD supervision. We had a very interesting conversation and the study when complete should make useful reading. Off to the optician to get my glasses repaired - the frame got bent when I collapsed. Fortunately the damage didn't require any expenditure...

Finally sent off the department's research output return and sent a cross note to everyone complaining at how unhelpful they had been by not following simple the instructions as to how to complete the form. I lost patience with the last one which arrived late so I just copied and pasted the information without reformatting. The research administrator came back with a query but I told him to check with the researcher concerned, I'd had enough!

Finished writing a review of an ABR paper this afternoon so sent it off and then dealt with email.

Papers arrived for ICAEW research board meeting on Friday, will have to read them tomorrow.

Plan to meet PhD student in London on Wednesday afternoon, after I've been to the reception at the House of Lords. Will miss meeting called by dean presumably to head off the current concerns of the professors about protecting research hours which have not been officially expressed to him - we have a Deep Throat in our midst!

Useful comments from our research manager on the joint funding application - she is very good at spotting points which could be more strongly emphasised, the things that I tend to take for granted and don't spell out clearly enough. Circulated to team who replied quickly - we all seemed to be working late this evening.Will try to finish that off tomorrow afternoon.

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