Came in very early in advance of a meeting and used the time to go through the various versions colleagues had sent round of our funding bid to look at Enterprise Performance Management in charities. The internal reviewers had made comments and this ended up with several versions of the document floating about so I checked through all of them to see what had been changed and then tried to sort out some inconsistent referencing. If we get the funding it will be important to manage the way the outputs are written so I shall have to give that some thought. I'm only used to working with one other person at a time and that's difficult enough in terms of matching writing styles. My most frequent co-author, bless him, has been very tolerant over the years of my changes to his style.
I see that two people have looked at this blog today, I wonder who. No-one has left any comments. I don't feel as if I'm writing for an audience, it's more like talking to myself. I've reached a part in "Wilful Blindness" where the author cites lots of research on productivity and how we are far less productive when we're tired but may not notice this. I certainly notice it! It's useful to read back over these entries and remember how it actually felt to be doing all the things I'm recording: I think that my tendency to postpone the tasks that need real concentration is not just procrastination but an inherent recognition that there are times in the day when it would be quite pointless to attempt them as my brain is just not up to it.
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